Cannabis Ice Cream

Cannabis Ice Cream

Cannabis Ice Cream: Ingredients: 25G ((2 table spoons or 1/4 of a stick)) Butter 18FL OZ Single Cream 75g sugar Pinch salt 1/4 Ounce Crumbled hash OR 10G crushed bud 15OZ Bananas 3 Tablespoons Rum 5 Tablespoons Honey Cooking Instructions: Difficulty: Complicated Contains Marijuana: Yes One of the best ways to consume pot and satisfy your munchies at the same [...]

Cannabis Butter aka Green Butter

Cannabis Butter aka Green Butter

Cannabis Butter aka Green Butter: This a good one! So many different ways to do, double boiler, crock pot, and just saute. My version is made in large batches 8 lbs of butter at a time. Smaller recipe 1. 1 lbs butter 2. 1/4-1/2 oz. Cannabis(shakes, stems, leaves, vaporizer leftovers) 3. Crock-pot with warm setting Procedure: 1. Add butter to [...]

Dr. Chronic

Dr. Chronische

Dr.Chronic - Kommunikation über E-Mail war langsam und ich meine Tage langsam, Mein Paket nicht über kommen 20 Tage und als ich endlich eine Antwort, die sie erzählte mir alles, aber 1 der 5 Stämme bestellte ich wo in stock, also musste ich meine Bestellung ändern und sie nicht einmal bekommen es ganz richtig (gave me cheaper [...]

Everyone Does it – Seed Review

Jeder tut es - Seed Bewertung – Communication via email is good with quick reply, seed are in original breeder packs, germination is high, cost are OK they have a type of members points but not sure how it pays out yet but no freebies. shipping was standard and cost reasonable.

Nirvana Seeds

Nirvana Seeds

Nirvana Seeds – Communication via email is good but can be slow to reply but they do, seeds germination is good – had a few issues but they always make good, cost is fair but no freebies, shipping is standard and they get it here, good genetics( I find if you take their strains to long they herm out and [...]


Cannabis Ice Cream

Cannabis Ice Cream

Cannabis Ice Cream: Ingredients: 25G ((2 table spoons or 1/4 of a stick)) Butter 18FL OZ Single Cream 75g sugar Pinch salt 1/4 Ounce Crumbled hash OR 10G crushed bud 15OZ Bananas 3 Tablespoons Rum 5 Tablespoons Honey Cooking Instructions: Difficulty: Complicated Contains Marijuana: Yes One of the best ways to consume pot and satisfy your munchies at the same [...]

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Seed Bank Bewertungen

Dr. Chronic

Dr. Chronische

Dr.Chronic - Kommunikation über E-Mail war langsam und ich meine Tage langsam, Mein Paket nicht über kommen 20 Tage und als ich endlich eine Antwort, die sie erzählte mir alles, aber 1 der 5 Stämme bestellte ich wo in stock, also musste ich meine Bestellung ändern und sie nicht einmal bekommen es ganz richtig (gave me cheaper [...]

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Cutting Edge Solutions

Cutting Edge Lösungen

Aloha Freunde bin ich wieder mit etwas Feedback zu Cutting Edge Lösungen 6 Teil. Nun habe ich versucht erste CES verwenden (Anlage amp, AMP, Onkel Johns Mischung) Additive GH 3 Teil während der Blüte, und ich fand, dass sie sich nicht gut, wenn die Pflanzen nicht zu dieser Mischung gewöhnt sind.

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Aloha Hawaii growers found a solution to the mutated mosaic!

Aloha Hawaii Erzeuger eine Lösung gefunden, um die mutierte Mosaik!

Aufgrund der Flut von problematischen Pflanzen in Hawaii mit einem mutierten Virus infiziert Hanf Mosaik! Dies ist eine vorbeugende Schritt und die linke über Saft kann auf infizierten Pflanzen gefüttert werden und gesprüht, um zu heilen. Rezept für 10 Gallone mix 1.5 EL Melasse 2 Em oz oder Lactobacillus 4 tsp Hygrozyme 2 g flüssige Huminsäure 2 EL Flüssigkeit [...]

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Recent Posts

Das Geschenk

The Gift

Stamm: Das Geschenk Reine Indica Yield: mäßige bis schwere Ausbeute, wächst in Hawaii Outdoor-oder Indoor Blume Zeit große: 45-55 Tage Beschreibung: wohlschmeckendes schwer schlagende reine Indica mit einem extrem zerebralen und betäubende Wirkung. Blütezeit ist genial zu ewiger Ernte Landwirte. Einige der besten, die ich jemals gesegnet worden zu wachsen.

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Power Kush

Power Kush

Stamm: Power Kush Indica Hybrid Yield: Schwere bis mittlere Ausbeute gut drinnen, aber groß in Hawaiian Outdoor-Situationen und Gewächshäuser Blütezeit: 55-65 Tage Beschreibung: schön Renditen dichten Buds, ziemlich stark und kann bis zu den tropischen Klimazonen von Inseln trocknen. Die Blüten sind berauschend und schön und lecker, leicht süßlich am vorderen Ende und endet mit dem Licht [...]

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Cannabis Ice Cream

Cannabis Ice Cream

Cannabis Ice Cream: Ingredients: 25G ((2 table spoons or 1/4 of a stick)) Butter 18FL OZ Single Cream 75g sugar Pinch salt 1/4 Ounce Crumbled hash OR 10G crushed bud 15OZ Bananas 3 Tablespoons Rum 5 Tablespoons Honey Cooking Instructions: Difficulty: Complicated Contains Marijuana: Yes One of the best ways to consume pot and satisfy your munchies at the same [...]

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Hash Yogurt

Hash Yogurt

Hash Yogurt Hash cooking oil yogurt Prepare in a teaspoon enough hash for a decent joint. Add a small amount of cooking oil into the spoon so that it covers all the hash. Then heat the spoon with a lighter for about 2 Minuten. The cooking oil will start to bubble and become cloudy with a dark colour. The oil [...]

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Cannabis Topical Lineament

Cannabis Topical Lineament

Topical Lineament: 3-7 grams cannabis sugar leaf ground bottle of 90% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) Topical linament using rubbing alcohol, and keifed leaf. Grind to a fine powder approximately 3-7 grams cannabis sugar leaf, open a bottle of 90% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), pour approximately 1/3 of contents into a seperate container for storage. Using a funnel with an opening appropriate [...]

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Arthritis Balm

Arthritis Balm

Arthritis Balm: 4 ounces of leaf marijuana water 1 1/4 cup olive oil Bees wax Take 4 ounces of leaf marijuana and place in a large stock pot. Cover well with water and add 1.25 cups of olive oil. Bring to a boil and simmer at a low boil for 5-6 hours, adding water as needed. Allow to cool and [...]

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Cannabis Beer

Cannabis Beer

Cannabis Beer: This is assuming you’ve already got a homebrew setup going and you’re producing your own beer. Cannabis can be added to the beer at the same time the hops is added. THC is oil/alcohol soluble and some will dissolve in the brew as it ferments. Before adding it to the brew there are a few things you must [...]

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Cannabis Honey Elixir

Cannabis Honey Elixir

Cannabis Honey Elixir: It is not hard to make and you can play with it. put honey in a pan on LOW heat up the honey. add MMJ (i use one cup honey/ 1/8oz of MMJ) and add water (i use about 1/4 cup/ cup of honey) some people use alcohol it will cook out. at this point you can [...]

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Easy Hash

Easy Hash

Easy Hash: Please keep in mind that if you want you full maximum amount of high quality hash you should invest in bubble bags. for those who would like a few grams of full melt for personal use this is a great method. Things you will need: 2 bigger soup pots, 15-20 quarts. Fill one 3/4 full with ice water [...]

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Cannabis Glycerin Tincture

Cannabis Glycerin Tincture

Cannabis Glycerin Tincture An easy made recipe, that with time, and love is very medicinally effective. trichomed filled bud trimming vegetable grade glycerine I make a non-alcohol based tincture by first having enough juicy trichomed filled trim (and buds) to fill the size of canning jar you have. I use quart and half gallon canning jars. First take your dry [...]

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